Conditions of Political Choreography
Jun 16, 2017 – Jul 16, 2017
Yochai Avrahami, Yael Bartana, Noam Enbar / Yonatan Levy, Christian Falsnaes, Ohad Fishof / Noa Zuk, Michal Helfman, Leon Kahane, Adam Linder, Antje Majewski, Ohad Meromi, Markus Miessen, Susanne M. Winterling
Curators: Marius Babias, Sergio Edelsztein, Sophie Goltz, Chen Tamirr
Conditions of Political Choreography is a research project and performance exhibition initiated by Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.) in collaboration with the Center for Contemporary Art (CCA) in Tel Aviv, funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation. International artists working with diverse performative strategies – from the fields of visual art as well as dance, theater, and film – were invited to conceive new works. Over the period of four weeks the artists present their works, every week focusing on a different theme. A spatial intervention based on the concept of New York artist and architect Ohad Meromi structures the exhibition space that becomes a territory on its own and with each performance will be reinterpreted. In 2016, architect and exhibition designer Markus Miessen integrated the two floors of the CCA building in Tel Aviv with a quarter-pipe stage and a book display. In Berlin, the discursive formats “Spaces of Debate” and “Moving Thoughts” provide an interpretation beyond the project’s scope.
While the question of how the shared memory space between Germany and Israel in the 21st century constitutes itself against the backdrop of the Holocaust – and not only that – is one starting point of the project, Conditions of Political Choreography seeks to form a sense of topicality of history in the face of increasing racism and populism in democratic societies. In the light of global migration and local oppression, the project reflects multiple perspectives and the formation of transnational memory contrary to the trend of memorialization. The medium of performance here allows both to mark and to leave a territory at the same time.
Conceived as experimental in its structure and process, the performance exhibition Conditions of Political Choreography is informed by the artists’ common research in Tel Aviv and Berlin. Focusing on the diverse cultural approaches to commemoration politics, the artists find complex answers and manifold perspectives on the political choreography of today. Some look at historiography, like Noa Zuk and Ohad Fishof as well as Michal Helfman, or historical responsibility like Noam Enbar and Yonatan Levy. Others, like Yochai Avrahami and Antje Majewski, examine the formation of territorial narratives via natural landscapes and agriculture, while Yael Bartana, Adam Linder, and Susanne M. Winterling investigate purification rituals and the resetting of personal agency in the face of collective oppression.
Diverse in their themes and approaches, the artistic contributions and accompanying discussions in Conditions of Political Choreography raise questions about the limits of belonging, artistic disciplines and imposed structures. The project challenges the artists to use the given framework to push against the constraints of architecture and performance as a medium. What is the difference between being hosted and being contained (in a specific territory, through geo-politics)? Can collaboration become an end in itself? How, by one’s own efforts, can resistance develop?
Friday, June 16, 8 pm
Saturday, June 17, 3–8 pm
Ralf Balke, Eldad Beck, Nirit Bialer, Johannes C. Bockenheimer, Ivo Bozic, Irene Eidinger, Stephan Grigat, Julia Hoffmann, Susanne Knaul, Ben Salomo, Shahak Shapira
Conference and concert organizedy by the weekly journal Jungle World
Thu, June 22 / Fri, June 23 / Sat, June 24 / Sun, June 25
Yael Bartana, Michal Helfman (Thu+Sun 4–8 pm, Fri+Sat 4–9 pm, ongoing)
Thu, June 29 / Fri, June 30 / Sat, July 1 / Sun, July 2
Adam Linder (Thu+Sun 6–8 pm, Fri+Sat 6–9 pm, ongoing),
Susanne M. Winterling (Thu+Sun 4–8 pm, Fri+Sat 4–9 pm, ongoing)
Thu, July 6 / Fri, July 7 / Sat, July 8 / Sun, July 9
Yochai Avrahami (Thu 19 Uhr, Fri–Sun 8 pm *),
Antje Majewski (Thu 6 pm, Fri–Sat 6+7 pm, Sun 4 pm, registration required **)
Tue, July 11 / Wed, July 12 / Thu, July 13 / Fri, July 14 / Sat, July 15 / Sun, July 16
Ohad Fishof and Noa Zuk (Tue–Thu 5+7 pm, registration required **),
Noam Enbar and Yonatan Levy (Thu 9 pm, Fri–Sat 6+8 pm, registration required **), Thu public discussion after the performance),
Christian Falsnaes (Fri–Sun 4–9 pm, ongoing)
On all days from 4 pm
Thursday, 8 pm, open bar afterwards
June 22: Hate Speech: Virtual Architectures, with Leon Kahane and Roger Bundschuh
June 29: On Ecology and Water Politics, with Anders Ami Ettinger, Antje Majewski, Clemens Messerschmid, Susanne M. Winterling
July 6: Voices of the Next State, with Omer Krieger and guests
Sundays, 8.30 pm, open bar afterwards
June 25: Zen for TV and the Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem (Director: Dani Gal); Al Midya (Director: Dani Gal), selected and commented on by Dani Gal and Chen Tamir
July 2: Condition (Director: Ali Aldeek); Milliarden für den Stillstand: Die Rolle der EU im Nahost-Konflikt (Direction: Sabrina Dittus), selected and commented on by Susanne M. Winterling
July 9: Stalags – Holocaust and Pornography in Israel (Direction: Ari Libsker); Shtikat Haarchion (Director: Yael Hersonski), selected by Yael Bartana and commented on by Sophie Goltz
July 16, 5 pm: Max Kahane, Shoah Foundation, unpublished interview, selected and commented on by Leon Kahane and Roger Bundschuh
* / ** Starts on time, no late admittance.
** Limited number of participants, registration by E-Mail: or phone: +49 (0)30 280 70 20 (Mon–Fri 10 am–4 pm).
Free admission to all events.
More information on all events in the exhibition booklet.